Questions and answers are the oldest form of communication, not only in TCM. Get to know VIPs of TCM, the most interesting topics, gain knowledge over TCM care, treating, prevention and research.
Europe is looking at new products and methods of healing. To cover western medicine is harder and harder. Pandemic situation has been changed many conditions and results. European people discovered sickness and new knowledge. And any old-new. TCM.
TCM in modern understanding is a package of methods that…
Another personality in the field of TCM, shared with Western…
Sami Reid Coony is TCM therapist, living in Canada. She studied…
Sharing theoretical and practical experience is the ideal way to…
Tibetan Medicine is very old, but for European people rather very new. There is not so much information for public, making this excellent, temporary…
Our guest of the day JAKHANGIR SHAKHMURADOV is fighter, therapists, Master of martial arts, actor, expert in traditional method of treating. He…
Dr. Ramon Maria Calduch is interested in TCM more than 40 years. Actually, he is one of the most important TOP Managers of development all over the…
For development of TCM is necessary to share information, science results and knowledge. Sharing - it is the first condition for cooperation. TCM…
Prof. Dr. Tianjun Wang works in the United Kingdom/Great Britain, Ilford, Essex as a Consultant Acupuncturist. He has a strong position in…
IamForeigner is a consultation agency, which is serving as a bridge between students and their future. A short time ago they organized…
In European countries, especially in West Europe, is TCM rather out of state health care system. Due to preferences of Western medicine, based on…
We (as TCM WORLD) are focused on TCM experts, all over the world. But we know, TCM has many connections with culture, history, philosophy, art and…
TCM is a present of people of China to the nations all over the world. It use to say ambassadors, in a case concerning to TCM promotion in…
During our meetings with leadership of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) we all noted, it is the right time to support…
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