GERMANY: TCM Klinik Bad Koetzting, the most famous TCM Center in Western Europe

GERMANY: TCM Klinik Bad Koetzting, the most famous TCM Center in Western Europe
photo: Koetzting Klinik, Germany
flag 28 / 10 / 2020

Nearly five years ago, we asked Mr. Anton Staudinger, General Manager, also a visiting professor at TCM University in Beijing and Vice President of the World Federation of TCM, to introduce us to the history, system and focus of the clinic. We republish interview in issue TCM Revue, Czech Republic, 2016. TCM topics have never been getting old.

As we know, your clinic is existing for 25 years. What is the main message, you can say after this time?

The TCM-hospital Bad Kötzting is historically the first inpatient facility in Germany with an emphasis on Traditional Chinese Medicine as the main treatment modality. It is a government-licensed 75-bed hospital which provides care for about 1000 inpatients and more than 2000 outpatients a year. Over 90 % of the inpatients are fully covered by the statutory health-insurance; about 10% are self-paying patients. Our Hospital is an University Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. The specialty of our house is the combination of psychosomatic and traditional Chinese medicine. In 25 years we treated more than 30.000 inpatients, most of them with good or very good results.


What kind of clients you have mostly - patients, asking the last possibility of help, people, focused on TCM only, inquiring people…?

The majority of our patients present with clinical problems of a high degree of chronicity and complexity. They frequently are referred to us with diagnoses from the neurological, orthopedic, or internal medicine domains. Most come to us after years of conventional treatment have proven unsatisfactory. Essentially, our specialty is the multimodal treatment of somatic complaints in conjunction with acute psychological or psychiatric co-morbidity. Thus, the vast majority of our patients carry both, somatic as well as psychiatric diagnoses.


Are your experts, doctors and nurses, educated only in TCM in China, in chinese schools, or in other anywhere all over the world, too?

The medical concept requires a high level of professional expertise and multi-professionalism of the medical and therapeutic teams. The German medical team has specialist skills in psychosomatic, internal medicine and natural healing field. The Traditional Chinese Medicine will be carried out by chinese physicians.


Are working Chinese experts at your clinic, too?

 All the Chinese doctors and professors come to us directly from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and its affiliated teaching hospitals. They are responsible for the TCM therapy. 


What about diagnoses, cases, you can have the highest effect, what are mostly successful?

 During our over 25-years-old Research activities we have found out that, especially with the help of TCM therapies, we have promising success with a variety of illnesses.  Unfortunately we cannot give a guaranteed success. The impact of individual factors of living and working environments of our patients is too large.


Treatment outcome

good / very good



after 3-4 weeks of treatment in TCM Klinik Bad Kötzting

55,2 %

39 %

5,8 %

after 6 months

59,0 %

31,5 %

9,5 %


Overview of the therapy effects



good / very good results



after 4 weeks of treatment

12 months after discharge



60,1 %

52,9 %



36,8 %

55,0 %

Chronic bronchitis


43,1 %

62,5 %



63,7 %

68,6 %

Psychosomatic disorders


50,0 %

70,0 %

Whiplash syndrome


52,7 %

67,0 %



62,7 %

51,7 %



33,3 %

33,3 %



39,3 %

47 %

Irritable bowel syndrome


44,7 %

57,9 %

The results are based on years of patient surveys.



Traditional Chinese Medicine

Western Medicine

Psychosomatic Medicine

3 doctors for Herbal Medicine

7 doctors

2 doctors

2 doctors for Acupuncture


5 psychotherapists

2 doctors for Tuina



1 doctor for Qigong




TCM-Klinik Bad Kötzting
Ludwigstraße 2
D-93444 Bad Kötzting

Telefon: +49 99 41 609-0
Fax: +49 99 41 609-499

Erste deutsche Klinik für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bad Kötzting
Geschäftsführer: Dipl. Kfm. Anton Staudinger
Ärztlicher Direktor: Dr. med. Stefan Hager
Amtsgericht Regensburg, HRB 4571
IK Nummer 260 930 857

Zertifiziert nach ISO 9001:2008 und MAAS-BGW 04/2010

 By Jan Hovorka, TCM Revue/, 2017

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