Follow us! Everyday is coming something new in TCM, more than five thousands year. Let us accept and share it.
The entire planet has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic. We have not yet counted the variants and more will surely appear. Science admits there are still undiscovered facts. It is no longer a guarantee of a safe truth. We can only find certainty in the past, and in the future we can only share and improve our…
Not only humen body but globe is sometime ill. Let us do…
Nearly 5000 years long history of TCM is known. Actually, is…
Xi'an Medical College, Xi'an, Shaanxi Pronce, P. R. C.: Our…
Chinese healthcare, as we know, is primarily based on…
We very appreciate to be friend and partner of Professor Fuyoung Jiao. We wish him all the best and congratulate to big honour - Visiting professor…
In Europe we have much shorter history of TCM. But there is one. It is not something quite other than in China, Japan, Korea and other Asian…
Beijing Online: More than 200 participants took a part on The 7th Meeting of the 4th Council Board and Standing Council, The 7th Meeting of the…
Abstract / Introduction: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines have an important role in the control and prevention of the pandemic. However,…
Special online courses you could attend in July! Speakers are Dr. Zhang Wei, Pneumology of Shuguang Hospital Shanghai, Dr. Wu Huan, TCM Department…
Shanghai Cooperative Organization Hospital Cooperative Alliance 2021 Academic Seminar of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Xinjiang Acupuncture…
This morning the Ministry of Health announced that Chinese Medicine is to be included under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (2003).
Time to time we have been thinking over possibilities and future od TCM development in Europe. History is not so long. Conditions are different. The…
The arrival of TCM knowledge in Europe in a usable form does not take long. It's been the last few decades. We will not count the first findings…
TCM is a gift from the people of China to nations around the world. This is often said by diplomats who encounter TCM development projects in…
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