photo: of Leiden, NL
Netherlands belongs to main countries, opened for international scientific cooperation. In Europe there is not so much, although the results of TCM research are very interesting. Especially herbs are useful in the time of covid, TCM for prevention, treating and recondition.
At University of Leiden, Netherlands, is for more than five years Leiden University European center for Chinese Medicine and Natural compounds. The Chaiperson is Dr. Mei Wang:
You work and live in Netherlands. Is it international project, to study TCM?
Yes, I am living in the Netherlands and working on scientific evidence and quality of TCM.
You are focused on herbal medicine. Are there some differences between European and Chinese herbs?
We are focused on Chinese herbal medicine, in principle most the herbal materials in Europe are from China. Therefore, this are no much difference from scientific research perspective.
You are at University of Leiden. What about your conditions for your work?
I am a chairperson for Leiden University European center for Chinese medicine and natural compounds and a project leader at Leiden University, institute of biology.
Are European students interesting to study TCM and herbal medicine?
Yes, I am giving a course for master students at Leiden university “Pharmaceuticals from plants”. last year I have about 60 students participated my course.
Is it possible to study TCM or herbal medicine at Leiden University for students from abroad?
At this moment, I have one course for master students, thus it will not be sufficient for a study direction at university. When a PhD/post doc students bring his/her own research budget, it will be possible to study here. But we have strong selection procedure.
What about the history of LUECCM, you are founder…
I am the founder of LUECCM, it was established since 2016. We are now looking for funding for continuation of this center.
China has some overseas centers of TCM all over the world. Do you cooperate with them?
Your scientific activities are focused on herbal medicine. Is there possibility to study acupuncture, too?
Do you mean, methods of TCM are acceptable for western people in Europe?
It is challenging and we have to work on this by providing scientific evidence.