Opportunities for TCM development in Europe?

Opportunities for TCM development in Europe?
photo: www.tcmrevue.cz/EUROCENTER TCM Prague, Czech
flag 10 / 12 / 2022

Chinese healthcare, as we know, is primarily based on a model of using knowledge and education from the same sources as Western medicine. If we are well informed, 80% of hospitals in China are predominantly in the Western model, and 20% are focused on Traditional Chinese Medicine methods.

The effort to collaborate across concepts and continents is good news. All of your colleagues around the world respect the level that Chinese medicine and science has on a global scale. The worthy position is also confirmed by the WHO.

It depends on the development of science, practice, and international relations where the use of TCM will go. Respect and thanks are due to the mother country and the care that governments take in maintaining and developing TCM. Politics should not play a major role in exchange and sharing. We cannot always control it. TCM teaches us how to cure diseases, but also other important things: patience. Undoubtedly, as well as new knowledge after thousands of years of research, we will also discover new relationships, beneficial for all people on Earth.

Politics involves conditions for development in two areas, the ideological and the practical. Therefore, today's condition is a reflection of the current situation. Fortunately, much knowledge can be exchanged online, through the provision of EBS research studies, congresses and conferences.

But nothing can replace face-to-face exchanges and contacts. In China, TCM is highly developed as a field, linked to the methods of Western medicine. It brings efficiency to both, and especially to patients. In the West, unfortunately, we are still far from that. There are many legislative restrictions that complicate the development and use of TCM methods. It is different in every country of the European Union, and there are different conditions in the USA, Australia and elsewhere.

Our EUROCENTER TCM Prague aims to connect and share everything that can be used for the development of TCM in the European area. We strive not only to share, but to maintain a high level of care provided by TCM methods.

What I see as fascinating about this gathering is that serious academic experts, famous doctors from the far corners of the Earth are gathering here. It is a good indication that our efforts will one day be successful.

But I want to appeal to the leadership of the organizations that make decisions about the development of TCM abroad, outside of China. If you want to help development in particular regions, be sensitive to their needs, conditions, and people. The success of TCM and the interest in it is a tempting example of an effective business model. However, we have encountered many times that the primary interest in quick profit has greatly damaged the reputation and potential development of TCM in a particular country.

It is necessary to start with the FROM MISSION TO BUSINESS model. Send experts on a short study mission. Help defray the costs that the mission requires. Ensuring immediate profit and high business impact is not possible. You need to prepare communication, marketing environment, target groups, experts and available education.

We founded EUROCENTER TCM Prague with the assumption that our Chinese partners will help with the development. Unfortunately, the pandemic and the international situation make development very difficult. Therefore, we dare to call for help that can overcome the barriers to start our TCM development project. Become sponsors and supporters. Help us to create a powerful centre for the distribution of information, knowledge, education and short-term experts.

The Belt and Road program is rational and forward-looking. We believe that its strength will be seen in the regions, and especially in collaboration with local partners. 

We look forward to meeting more, to welcoming experts and introducing them to local patients. With the support of the mother country, they will help create an environment that shares Chinese traditional, historical medicine in practice, and its Euro-Atlantic variant. Together, they will bridge Western medicine. 

Ambassadors and diplomats often say that TCM is a gift from the people of China to the peoples of the world. We need to help harness this gift. Not to be abused, distorted, manipulated. We in Europe do not have the means to do this. If sponsors support the project, we will see success sooner than we might expect. 

After the global pandemic, TCM as a support and part of standard medicine is a great hope. Please help to develop and implement it. Support our EUROCENTER TCM Prague. Thank you very much.


Account Number: 000019-0000011404/8265

IBAN: CZ2082650000190000011404



EUROCENTER TCM Praha / www.tcmrevue.cz

 By JAN HOVORKA, President














有必要从From MISSION TO BUSINESS模式开始。派遣专家进行短期考察。帮助支付考察团所需的费用。确保立即获利和高商业影响是不可能的。你需要准备沟通、营销环境、目标群体、专家和现有教育。


一带一路 "计划是理性和前瞻性的。我们相信它的力量将体现在各地区,特别是与当地合作伙伴的合作中。





Account Number: 000019-0000011404/8265

IBAN: CZ2082650000190000011404



EUROCENTER TCM Praha / www.tcmrevue.cz













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